Information engineering


Documentation, backgrounders and tutorial material related to information design, engineering, semantics, ontologies, and vocabularies

Standards and namespaces
Controlled vocabularies
Semantic Web Tools
Learning resources

Introduction to the semantic web stack

Web 1.0 - pages/browser Web 2.0 - forms, services, social Web 3.0 - linked data, semantic web, web-scale data linkages

Background of semantic web - tagging meets logic

tagging ~= metadata

flexibility and scalability persistent identifiers Entity-Attribute-Value model (traditionally considered an anti-pattern) - sacrifices performance for flexibility …

Logic: RDF - URIs, statements, directed-labeled-graph (knowledge graph), type, reification RDFS - sub-class, sub-property, domain/range - property-centric constraints (‘global’) OWL - object vs datatype properties, annotation-, inverse-, functional-, symmetric-, transitive properties … disjoint, equivalent-class, -property, sameAs, union class, class-centric constraints (‘guarded’ or ‘restricted), SKOS - concepts(individuals) vs. classes; *match

t-box (~classes & properteis) vs a-box (individuals) ontologies All expressed in RDF i.e. mix schema & instance-level in same place

Processing: SPARQL - query Shapes - validation

Mappings -

OWL Reference for Humans