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Geofabric Ontology



Geofabric Ontology

Nicholas J. Car Orcid logo ( nicholas.car@anu.edu.au )
Simon J.D. Cox Orcid logo ( simon.cox@xsiro.au )
Version Iri
Version Info
  • Version 1.0 only characterises 3 types of Feature - Contracted Catchment, River Region & Drianage Division - and requires that each CC be within a RR and that an RR be within a DD.

  • Version 2.0 updates the IRI for this ontology to use HTTPS, not HTTP, uses OntPub (https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub) annotation properties, adds the hasDownstreamCatchment property, ReportingRegion class and indicates subclasses of ContractedCatchment

  • Version 2.1 adds in relationships to the HY_Features ontology


A bare-bones ontology for the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric.

This small ontology characterises major parts of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric for their delivery as Linked Data via the Geofabric LDAPI.

This ontology accords with the Loc-I Project's requirements for the delivery of spatial Semantic Web objects.

Code Repository
overview image

Figure 1: Ontology overview


Drainage Division c

IRI https://linked.data.gov.au/def/geofabric/DrainageDivision
  • The Geofabric's Hydrology Reporting Region product's AWRA Drainage Division object.

    Drainage Division is defined for the purpose of providing a stable set of reporting regions specifically for the purpose of the Bureau’s Australian Water Resources Assessment (AWRA) and are referred to as the 2010 and 2012 Assessment Reporting Regions

  • The AWRA Drainage Division is defined for the purpose of providing a stable set of reporting regions specifically for the purpose of the Bureau’s Australian Water Resources Assessment and are referred to as the 2010 and 2012 Assessment Reporting Regions.


Page 44 in the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) v3.0 Product Guide

Sub Class Of Reporting Region c

River Region c

IRI https://linked.data.gov.au/def/geofabric/RiverRegion
  • The Geofabric's Hydrology Reporting Region product's River Region object.

    Reporting Regions are derived from aggregations of Contracted Catchments for regional scale reporting purposes.

    A River Regions is always within one and only one Drainage Division.

  • The River Regions were based on a specification developed by Bureau hydrologists involved in water resources assessment in consultation with the Geofabric team and scientists from CSIRO and ANU. These boundaries were developed for use in regional scale reporting and hydrological modelling. The River Region boundaries were not used in the Australian Water Resources Assessment 2010 and 2012 but may be considered in the future as the resolution of reporting increases.

Sub Class Of Reporting Region c
Restriction simple features Within exactly 1

Contracted Catchment c

IRI https://linked.data.gov.au/def/geofabric/ContractedCatchment

The AHGFContractedCatchment feature class is designed to represent geographic surface boundaries that have a hydrological relationship to surface water features. These catchment boundaries in their current form may not completely satisfy legislative or business requirements, but are intended to provide the building blocks for reporting regions such as those given in Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions. The AHGFNode and AHGFLink feature classes provide a simplified, dendritic node link network for input into hydrological models.

All contracted catchment features of type ContractedArea are aggregations of the AHGFCatchment units that participate in a relationship of common geographic extent based upon the location of a contracted node from both Geofabric Surface Cartography and Geofabric Surface Network or a data sink as defined within the DEM-1S. Levels of confidence for contracted nodes are further described in the following section of the Geofabric Product Guide.

Each ContractedArea is assigned with the contracted node identifier (ConNodeID) and the confidence level (ConLevel) of the contracted node to which they drain. The ContractedArea features are the drainage areas of a combination of Levels 1 and 2 contracted nodes. These drainage areas also incorporate catchment areas where there is no discernable flow (at 1:250,000 scale) in the form of stream flow segment features. The allocation of no flow areas to contracted catchments is performed based on the most likely destination of water falling in these areas in flood type conditions.

Contracted Catchments are always within River Regions.


Section 5.4.3 Page 38, 40 in the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) v3.0 Product Guide

Sub Class Of HY Catchment
In Domain Of has downstream catchment op
In Range Of has downstream catchment op
Restriction simple features Within exactly 1

Reporting Region c

IRI https://linked.data.gov.au/def/geofabric/ReportingRegion

Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions are derived from aggregations of contracted catchments from Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments.

Scope Note

Though the Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions have been developed for the purposes of the Australian Water Resources Assessment, it is envisaged that these units can be used more generally as a standard for hydrological reporting at the national and regional scale, and thus replace the Australia River Basins 1997 (http://www.ga.gov.au/metadatagateway/metadata/record/gcat_42343). Table 31 shows the Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Regions feature class terminology and feature subtypes.


Section 5.5 Page 44 in the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) v3.0 Product Guide

Sub Class Of HY Catchment Aggregate
Super Class Of

Object Properties

has downstream catchment op

IRI https://linked.data.gov.au/def/geofabric/hasDownstreamCatchment

Indicates another Contracted Catchment that this Contracted Catchment drains to

Sub Property Of simple features Touches
Domain Contracted Catchment c
Range Contracted Catchment c




c Classes
op Object Properties

made by p y LODE 3.0.5a with the OntPub profile

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